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Master of Science Ocean Engineering - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

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  • How long will it take to acquire an MSOE degree?

    The program is designed to be completed in 12-15 months. Students will be enrolled in 3 semesters of coursework.

  • How many classes will I be required to take each semester?
  • Are research and/or teaching assistantships available for this program?

    No, there are no research or teaching assistantships available to MSOE students. The MSOE is a self-funded degree program.

  • Are there scholarships available for this program?

    The College of Engineering (CoE) offers MS Merit Scholarships to admitted applicants who demonstrated exemplary achievements. These scholarships offer up to 40% of direct tuition costs. We do not offer research/teaching assistantships or fellowships for MS studies. Applicants who wish to be considered for a Scholarship must indicate so on the application for admission. They must also complete and submit the supplemental MS Merit Scholarship Application form.

  • Will I be able to work while being enrolled in this program?

    Full-time enrollment in the MSOE program will involve a significant amount of coursework (classes hosted predominantly during the day) and time commitment. Thus, we do not recommend that students work full-time while enrolled. However, many students find part-time employment locally in order to offset the costs of the program and living.

  • Can I enroll part-time in the MSOE program?

    Yes, you can enroll in the MSOE program part-time. You will take 2 classes (vs. 4) each semester, and course selection will be discussed with your Academic Advisor. Please note that if you enroll in the program part-time, it will take approximately 2+ years to complete the degree.

  • Are there any courses available online?

    No, we do not offer online courses at this time.

  • What classes will I be taking while at the Rosenstiel School?

    Each degree program, or track, has specific requirements. The curricular and experiential structure of each track was designed by experts in the field, as well as leaders from local businesses, NGOs and government organizations. Thus, you will be exposed to the theory and skills those experts felt were relevant and necessary to your development and professional success. There are a few mandatory courses in each track, as well as options for electives. The electives will reflect personal and professional interests and should be selected wisely. If you have a strong proficiency in a topic covered in a mandatory course (e.g. GIS), then you may be waived from the requirement with the approval of your Academic Advisor.

  • How do I apply?

    Application instructions are available here.

  • Is there a minimum GRE score required for entry into the program?

    The GRE is not currently required for admission
